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Friday April 12, 2024

Campervan Living: Why is van life so popular?

3 minutes well spent

Posted by John Broderick
Van Life

What’s so good about the campervan lifestyle?

Van life was once the preserve of the bumbling and bombed-out hippy on every 1971 American cop show or the optimistic outdoor-loving couple hoping to escape the rat race. This niche subculture gradually shifted over the decades to embrace modest family holidays and countryside explorers – and now, campervan living has surged right into the mainstream as a truly viable lifestyle option.

In recent years, perhaps propelled by the Covid-19 pandemic, more and more people have a different perception of work, travel and the very concept of home. Lockdowns and travel restrictions ignited a newfound appreciation for the simplicity, mobility and autonomy offered by the UK. As international borders closed or got much harder to get through due to Brexit, and the prospect of overseas travel faded somewhat, the staycation became the break or holiday of choice for many people. For others, the idea of living in a van full-time appealed as a new option. In this edition of our blog we’ll examine why.

A sense of freedom

One of the biggest appeals of campervan life lies in its embodiment of the idea of freedom. Time on the road offers liberation from the shackles of domestic routine and the predictability of ‘the same four walls’ day after day. Unlike traditional forms of travel that often mean itineraries and fixed accommodation, van life empowers individuals to go their own way, charting their own course, taking spontaneous detours and enjoying serendipitous discoveries along their way. Being able to wake up to new scenery each day fosters a sense of exhilarating freedom that transcends conventional living. Forging new connections with fellow travellers offers access to a whole new social sphere. Truly, your life will grow exponentially as a result of campervan travel.

Return to nature

Returning to the natural is, in the 21st century world, a lifelong pursuit. Getting away from bleeping devices and glowing screens, bank balances, mortgages, domestic pressures – all of the things that go to make up a modern life – is the desire of many, and campervan life offers it. Not so much ‘turn on, tune in and drop out’, like those 1971 hippies we mentioned right at the start, but certainly ‘stop and smell the flowers’. Pause from the pressures and enjoy the natural world. Van life offers you the means to access parts of nature you may not otherwise be able to find. Enjoying a respite from the frenetic pace of urban life and soaking in the slower primal rhythms of the natural world is a true blessing. You can find yourself again!

Work and money

From the perspective of taking holidays in a van, you will certainly save money over the spend on all-inclusive hotel, flights and so on. There will be some expenses on the road, but on balance for a vacation you will save money by taking a staycation.

Deeper in, permanent van living also offers significant financial advantages over traditional forms of housing. With the rising cost of living and the general glacial pace of growth for wages meaning many people are struggling to keep up, van life offers a viable alternative for those seeking to escape the cycle of debt and financial insecurity. By removing the expenses of rent or mortgages, van-lifers can redirect resources towards their experiences and adventures, and enrich their lives in ways that completely transcend material wealth.

Moreover, the widespread adoption of remote working since to Covid-19 pandemic has further fuelled the popularity of van life. Individuals are able to earn their living from almost anywhere as long as they have access to an internet connection. This shift in the nature of work has liberated countless individuals from the often ridiculous confines of the traditional office – a space often totally unnecessary for the function of their duties – and empowered them to ‘design’ their own lifestyle. This certainly encourages the feeling of being master of your own destiny, and van life is a great aspect to that.

Likeminded community

Wherever you go during your van life, you are more-or-less guaranteed to meet likeminded people – fellow travellers who will welcome you into the travel community. Sharing camaraderie with them, whether congregating at bustling camp grounds, sharing tales around crackling campfires during cosy evenings or collaborating on DIY van repairs or projects, dedicated van-lifers do tend to form close bonds.

Whether you’re a first-time van-lifer looking for your debut wheels or a seasoned roadster on the hunt for an upgrade, Don Amott offers a great selection of new and used campervans.

John Broderick

John Broderick

Managing Director

John, the Managing Director at Don Amott Leisure Kingdom.